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Neurotypical Human Behaviour


On this page I will attempt to dissect the neuro typical brain of NT Humans in comparison to the the Aspergers brain. The NT Human brain has been studied for thousands of years but now with the onset of advanced technology & science such as genetics, CT scanners, MRI scanners etc we are making headway in a significant way, understanding fully the NT Human mind & how it works.


In short humans are playing catch up with the new fake artificially constructed environment we all live in these days, we have given up real jungles for concrete jungles. These concrete jungles we live in that we call cities & social structures and relationships is to our DNA simply foreign. The modern day world we live in is NOT a natural environment for humans & evolutionary adaptation to the new enviroment has not happened yet. Sadly for the most part most NT Humans seem completely unaware of the psychosis led immorality that they lead their lives by.



The Northern European genetic line of Homo Sapien Sapiens (modern humans) have been around now an estimated 60 thousand years as far as modern science can predict. Only in the past 6-7 thousand years have we been living in huge cities, closely adjacent to other humans that we have no genetic tie/link to or have any thing in common with apart from being the same species. It is a bizarre situation, sadly for modern day man he is still running off the genetic code inherited from our cousins the other great apes. This for someone with Aspergers Syndrome is why most NT Humans appear cruel, primitive, decadent, disingenuous & devoid of any integrity.


Now the vast majority of NT Humans will of course insist 'we need manners', 'we need to lie so not to be rude',' we need these pointless rituals'. in my opinion these behaviours in the name of manners and so not to be rude should of been forgotten about thousands of years ago. This is where most Aspergers minds & NT Human minds clash, as to the majority of people with Aspergers Syndrome the TRUTH is what is important. A doctor who happens to have Aspergers Syndrome said recently in a medical paper regarding the human species that I quote 'the primary purpose of language for humans seem to be to lie'. Its abrupt & straight to the point but if you look at what NT Humans do daily all day long, they lie, then they create lies to cover the lies then yet more lies to cover the lies to cover the lies & it goes on and on into perpetuity. This is why People with the Aspergers condition appear cold or rude sometimes as speaking the truth has become an anathema & now is something most people simply do not do. The truth now is rare, the social norm for most NT Humans is to lie and deceit their way through their life, not to mention their hypocrisy & double standards which they implement on top of the constant lies in their life daily. This is the polar opposite to most with the Aspergers condition where the truth & integrity is what matters, virtues that have meaning, something that seems to have been sadly extinct in the social rules of the NT Human for quite a while now.


Ian Banks recently wrote about humans & the society they have created 'There is no feasible excuse for what we are, for what we have made ourselves. we have chosen to put profits before people, money before morality, dividends, before decency, fanaticism before fairness and our own trivial comforts before unspeakable agonies of others.'

Dangers of Neurotypical Humans to people with Aspergers


In my experience & after studying human behaviour for decades I would say Yes people on the autistic spectrum are vulnerable to the genetically driven convoluted behavioural patterns & actions of NT Humans. Bare in mind also 1 in 100 NT Humans are psychopaths! 25% of them have little or no empathy & 90% have no introspection, these are shockingly high figures...NT Humans with their generic selfish individualism are a very dangerous emotionally driven species. The clinical psychologist  Professor Attwood said very aptly 'People with Aspergers Syndrome are wounded prey to Neuro Typical Humans'. In short to a lot if not most NT Humans see our Aspergers vulnerabilities as a strange oddity, something to exploit, something to prey upon, This action seems to be an innate response that most NT Humans seem unaware of certainly on a conscious level. The ones aware of what they are doing on a conscious level still cant seem to stop the incessant need to exploit a perceived weakness.






City Street

The very second that NT Human gets a scent of vulnerability or weakness they just cant let that feeling go they just have to act upon it, it effects every interaction from then on from the point of interpreting vulnerability & hence its then impossible to have a meaningful/interaction relationship with them.


Indeed the response to vulnerably or what they perceive as weakness & vulnerabilities appears to be an almost innate, automatic process, like removing your hand from a fire because its burning, or holding you're breath when under water so not to flood your lungs fill with water. This shows clearly that the NT Human response to prey on people on the autistic spectrum & indeed any other condition they interpret as vulnerable is set out and defined in some of the most primitive/early parts of the NT Human mind such as the brain stem.


It could also be an offshoot of the behaviour the chimpanzees show to detect chimpanzees that are born into the troop with illness/ailments or difference in behaviour, these chimpanzee's are usually killed or driven out of the troop. A lot of specialists in this field such as Professor Richard Dawkins thinks this is a way of keeping the genetic line/code clean, of regulating procreation to weed out any errors in the genetic code so to speak. I tend to believe humans are doing the exact same thing in an inadvertent way.


As such it appears no amount of education or social conditioning will remove this behaviour, to remove this you would have to remove the brain stem which is the part of the brain that regulates breathing, pain response etc. Its part of them, its deeply rooted in their genetic code. Of course the NT Humans ruthless consumeristic society has made this worse as in you always have to be the winner, always compete, strength & virtue is earning lots of money, living in a big house, not being weak. These just feed the already primitive code that NT Humans use to lead their lives.






















It seems that their strong reliance & their inabillity to rationalize & control emotions is the common reason they resort to an almost 'knee-jerk' way of decision making. Some people with Aspergers Syndrome  who have been raised by NT Humans have learned these behaviors themselves, even though they are not typical & somewhat alien in nature to people with Aspergers Syndrome. All of these points make associating with NT Humans potentially dangerous, unless we remain on our guard against their irrational childlike emotions & illogical decision making through out any interaction.



The Irrational behaviours of NT Humans is one of their most dominant aspects. Very often decisions are made without a great deal of thought or research, this is especially true of their opinions, where as a sensible person with Aspergers Syndrome will do a great deal of research before developing an opinion or view.


NT Humans seem to construct an immediate uninformed opinion on things apparently without knowing the first thing about the topic.


This is different from the kinds of errors people with Aspergers Syndrome make, the NT Humans carelessly won’t do any research at all before making a decision, indeed if they do any research, it will be at best a halfhearted intellectually lazy version & as such they more often than not have very strong opinions on subjects they are completely ignorant about.


It is almost as if they are impatient to come up with any answer at all rather than to make sure they have the factually correct answer.

Male Portrait

If that isn't bad enough for vulnerable people latest studies have shown up to twenty percent of humans are actually psychopaths & this is a great worry for people on the Autistic Spectrum, more so for people with Aspergers Syndrome as usually with Aspergers Sydrome comes a higher than average IQ & with that rational logical thinking unlike the autistic sufferers that are not high functioning.


These traits in Aspergers Syndrome to Psychopaths/Sociopaths are like cocaine to an addict, like alcohol to an alcoholic, they simply cant resist the urge to exploit the vulnerabilities of course for their own gain.


Because the lack of theory of mind the person with Aspergers Syndrome can be easily mislead, easily tricked & taken advantage of by people who are psychopaths.


Here is an interesting article regarding autistic adults that have been abused by someone they trusted & loved.



The Innate Instinctive Urge to Compete & Belittle Others

The Initial Meeting with Neuro Typical Humans


The initial meeting is vital when interacting with NT Humans, within the first two minutes (though some specialists think sooner) the NT Human has decided if you are in his 'in group' or 'out group', defined if youre a 'threat' or if you can be 'preyed upon'.


Of course all this is impossible to achieve logically in minutes as its an infinite unpredictable number of possibilities, but it being impossible does not stop the NT Human from judging you in a matter of seconds & once again merely adding fuel to the misanthropic views held by most people with the Aspergers condition. Bear in mind also every interaction with an NT Human the communication will be misinterpreted from their bias's,  prejudices & influenced by the past interactions they have had with you and others without them even knowing it as 95% of them dont seem to have any introspection at all,


You can be friendly but don't be to friendly as it will be perceived as creepy or insidious, you can be talkative but not to talkative as it will be perceived as bigoted, you can make eye contact but not to much eye contact as it will be perceived as you staring, be confident but not to confident as it will be perceived as arrogance. Then there is the negatives, don't be to shy you will be seen as vulnerable & perceived as weak,  don't stand slumped over it will be perceived as cowardice. Anyways you get the picture, the NT Humans who meet like this & claim to have 'Theory of Mind' yet still cant comprehend all the possibilities & flaws in this decision making, so for people with autism its simply impossible to accomplish anything positive out of the first meeting.


After thousands of interactions with NT Humans over the years I have learnt a few tips though to guide you through the process.


1- Never tell them you have Aspergers Syndrome.

2- Never switch subjects in mid conversations the NT Human usually cant keep up & it will be perceived as weird.

3- Never shy away or don't look away from them, they will perceive this as weird.

4- Never let them see the IQ miss match, they will feel inadequate & belittled and act upon it.

5- Never be too enthusiastic about something, its hard knowing where the boundaries are for them.

6- Never give them too much information, usually the NT Human will use it as gossip nothing more.

7- Never be too trusting, no matter how friendly they 'appear to be' its usually a ruse to get more information from you.


Usually when & interact with Human NT's that know nothing about Aspergers Syndrome they will perceive your honesty as bragging, your higher IQ as intimidating. There is very little common ground you will be able to have to be honest, don't be fooled by disingenuous smiling eyes & facial emotions & kind words, sadly most of the time behind the eyes of most NT Humans is a duplicitous ape craving for dominance, power & control. Its best not to interact with NT Humans as inevitably the NT Human will follow his/her genetic rails coupled with no introspection will be oblivious to their behaviour towards you. Though 95% of NT Humans claim to be self aware & have introspection the reality is very different. Psychologists actually believe only around 10-15% of NT Humans actually are self aware which is an astonishingly low number & worrying for us on the spectrum that actually are self aware and have introspection


Sadly in the majority NT Humans they seem to use other humans as stepping stones, they get what they can from them be it some benefit or money or knowledge or progress in society or a step up the social ladder etc and then move on & dump/drop the person that they have fraudulently be-friended. When they have everything they want from the person now they will make every excuse possible why they moved on & unfriended him, but the real reason is more likely because the person has expended his/her use & they had no more to gain from being with them. This makes the NT Human a very cruel ruthless, disingenuous creature.. Traits unseen in the rest of nature & in any other species, of course you wont get the NT Human to admit any of this, there is always an excuse for their behaviour & that they did the noble & righteous thing.




















 People with Aspergers Syndrome find this behaviour in NT Humans hilarious and its hard to understand for us that a so called 'evolved species' still have not evolved past using these primitive process's to evaluate people  & still resort to such an ancient mechanism as 'fight or flight' for such trivial reasons, reasons I might add that are not based on fact & logic & are mostly due to paranoia & suspicion from the mind of the NT Human.


It seems that NT Humans hate logical arguments. If I have set out my view/point so to speak & have presented a rational assessment of the situation the usual reaction from the NT Human is an emotional one indicating they feel attacked, indeed objective thinking & decisions seem to be very very rare. Complex intelligent rational debate is all but impossible & nine times out of ten it would descend to crude insults or name calling from the predominantly  antagonistic NT Humans, more often when the debate was lost on their part.. I guess using logic & facts scares & intimidates NT Humans because it doesn’t fit with the emotional based/subjective style of discussion they prefer. I also find that NT Humans don’t listen to what I have actually said, interpreting my words within their own “you’re attacking me” paradigm. Trying to steer the conversation back to facts & objective based logic never works, the response is to always tell me that I have said something I haven’t, to try and tell me how they are feeling & why I’m wrong. Their decision making from then on is influenced entirely by their emotions so all rational logical debate is impossible. If you talk to some of these NT Humans & you glance back afterwards after walking away you can see the pair lean into each other so they can talk quietly so you cant hear.. They do this however sometimes only a few foot from you so with the aid of aspergers hearing you can usually hear the first few lines.. Even without the aid of improved hearing you can still tell they are discussing you as they are leaning in and whispering.. This is sadly typical of nearly all interactions when there is two or more, of course the interaction & friendliness was disingenuous on their part but what's new?



There seems to be a instinctive urge in NT Humans to compete and belittle others, this is partly due to deep rooted insecurities & of course that maladaptive ego. This process seems to be almost subconscious they do it regardless of IQ, upbringing, genetics etc. Of course the lack of introspection in the vast majority of NT Humans makes it impossible for them to even be conscience that what they are doing as self analyzing of ones own emotions and actions is all but impossible for them. Indeed they don't seem to be even aware they are doing it so have no way of restraining themselves.. Unfortunately for us on the spectrum & with empathic pathologies we must pay the price for this primitive innate behavior of theirs..






















He replied with 'you make computer games' and laughter I said 'yes I do something only 3% of population can actually do' there was an uneasy 5-10 second silence in the room as he pondered what to say... People with Aspergers don't like doing this, its perceived by the NT Human as bragging & it makes us feel very uncomfortable. Sadly it was the only thing that stopped him attacking me. Now on hindsight I wish I had recorded these interactions as of course he would deny all of these claims I put forward (what's new)..


All of this was triggered because like most NT Humans his ego was triggered and he felt vulnerable & insecurities that he had come across someone with a significantly  higher IQ than him.... Its a brilliant insight too though that without introspection you are incapable of analyzing ones own emotions and actions so you act on a almost instinctive primitive level guided by maladaptive insecurities in the Ego..

The dangers to people with Aspergers Syndrome here though is that  to 99% of NT Humans this behavior is common and beyond their control. Without introspection they cannot tell they have no introspection & fueled by an Ego that is so sensitive that merely a comment, a glance or a stray benign thought may trigger it to then access these instinctive lines of code which leads to the above behavior is disconcerting to us who have no need to belittle others in order for us to rescue our own insecurities...






One recent example of this was a local optician that would come once every few years to my home to check my eyes to see if I needed new glasses.. First like most NT Humans he seemed courteous, friendly, kind & helpful.


Of course this was a facade and the second visit he started the with crude infantile sarcasm that was completely unwarranted with comments like 'do you want your partner to hold your hand while I check your eyes' followed by laughter.


This was closely followed probably helped by me not responding & there fore giving him the green light with comments like 'you seem moderately intelligent you use quite big words' & comments like 'oh your one of the them are you' when I mentioned I had read most of Prof Richard Dawkins books..


After 3 eye examinations and countless comments it was enough and though its very uncomfortable to act in such a way I was sarcastic back telling him I had created two computer games that had took me 10 years & was self taught

It's odd that NT Humans interpret our need for logic & order as a need to control which of course is nonsense, people with Aspergers Syndrome are not interested & in power & control & have moved past these primitive apelike drives all we care about is the truth & logic, information & ordered structure.


Another reason NT Humans quickly drop acquaintances & friends is if the 'friend' does something that triggers the primitive fight or flight process in their brain (which is also the origin of the intolerance of difference innate in NT Humans). It's practically over for the unsuspecting victim that is usually completely unaware that they have triggered this response or why. You looked to long, you smiled to long, you didn't smile enough, you're body language was strange, it can be just about anything that can trigger this response in NT Humans & then their primitive brains warn the person about the behaviour. 'This is odd be careful here!" ,"he's odd he's a threat! he's strange!" etc etc.

Friendships with Neuro Typical Humans

Though friendships with NT humans are possible I personally would advise against it. I know from personal experience that ultimately they will end up exploiting your perceived vulnerability & betray your trust leaving your feelings & your faith you have placed in their words dashed into a thousand pieces.


The neuro diversity is so vast in most people with Aspergers Syndrome compared to NT Humans  that I would be extremely wary when befriending them & allowing them into you're life. Even NT Human close relatives strive to control and dominate others, its who they are, its in their DNA code. The words of promise & kindness that we hear can easily change with the passage or time or when a new feeling or emotion envelops their lives. However their Words they spoke still have meaning to you, you believed them, but to the NT Human things have changed, they only seem to mean the words at the time of saying them (which I would also question) & with quite literally with a click of a switch they can change their meaning or their feelings & revoke all them words they have said to you ...


If that isn't bad enough they will then justify their duplicitous change in belief to you & label you 'too analytical' & ' you take things too literally' or 'your stupid to believe everything you are told', they will do anything but to admit reality that they didn't actually mean the things they said at the time of saying them & here hence were insincere and they were disingenuous! Acts of kindness from the NT human are likely to be loaded with sinister motive that they will use at a later date.. Sadly there seems never to be a purely untainted interaction with NT Humans..



The honesty & virtuous ways of people with Aspergers Syndrome will ultimately lead to them being exploited, they will betray your trust for some selfishly driven primitive drive. I'll quote an ex friend of mine who I knew for decades & showing a rare glimmer of honesty once said  'I don't like to have friends because sooner or later it forces me to do things that I don't wish to do', when questioned about this at a later date he first denied saying it & later admitted to saying it but then twisted the meaning of what it meant. I think you can see clearly from the wording what he meant & sadly this is all too typical of NT Human behaviour, they rarely do anything if there is no beneficial purpose in it for themselves, that purpose can change with a ever changing set of morals which they claim to have, so their word in short is worth nothing.


Its sad with this example though as I've known this person for years. Though very intelligent academically & he does have times when he appears thoughtful & kind, these times however are often masked by little or no introspection & a cold almost thoughtless way of perceiving empathy for others which he cant seem to hide. He seems for all his intelligence unable to do anything else but follow the code he has been given & for all the blips of kindness and thoughtfulness he shows he inevitably always resorts back to the selfishlessly driven primitive dna code.


If this isn't bad enough the obvious cognitive dissonance caused by opinions on topics that he doesn't agree with makes him unable to even look at the other side of an argument as well as lacking any abillity to be self criticall. The most disturbing factor here though is that he claims to be an expert on Aspergers Syndrome even though he's never done any research, read any books etc.. It really is astonishing & repulsive behaviour to us on the spectrum. At one point he actually said 'its part of Aspergers to be stubborn' yet he is here unable to take on new information, unwilling to even read about the new information yet he's telling me about my condition something that he knows nothing about. Sadly too the interactions with him all too often descended into childish ' ad hominem’ (where the person attacks the person with personal insults & sways away from the actual debate). The arrogance is simply astounding yet he seems consciously unware of it, as NT Humans go he's the classic example, little or no introspection, a very unstable & overly sensitive Ego, he has not reached the level of 'self actualization' & has little or no empathy for others & as such it is incomprehensible to him that he could wrong about anything.


It really is pointless trying to interact & attempt to have a relationship with a species who cant even see or admit fault with their own behaviour.. Its the simplest of things to most with Aspergers Syndrome to have the humility to admit you are at fault, that you made a mistake.. To a NT Human though their Ego will not allow them admission of guilt or fault.. We on the Spectrum sadly have to wait patiently for them to evolve past this maladaptive and quite frankly faulty way of thinking.






Another point worth noting is with friendships with NT Humans comes a set of conditions that you must adhere to if you are to maintain the friendship.. In-Group / Out-Group conditioning  is very very strong in NT Humans & if you make friends with an NT Human more often than not they expect you to conform to their list of In-Group / Out-Group relationships. If they dislike someone then to remain their friend usually they expect you to alter your In-Group / Out-Group list & to add the vilified person to your out-group weather you actually like them or not. This obviously primate driven maladaptive thinking of course is perverse and sets a limit of conditions for that friendship that you must adhere to.





















This happened to me very recently when I inadvertently talked to a neighbour of a regular dog walker, I knew the dog walker did not like her neighbour as she had told me many times before yet oddly still interacted with them on a regular basis. She came out of her home one day to see me talking to her neighbour & since then she has ignored me & avoided me on the park because of this. Now this appears very infantile & immature behaviour & it is, but this is from a Fifty plus year old women, its truly shocking! Because I did not conform & take on her list of people in her out-group now she has placed me in her out group, of course everyone in her in-group will now place me in their out-group! It really is that pathetic & petty & shows how vulnerable & unstable the emotions are in the vast majority of NT Humans. It also highlights yet again that the word of the NT Humans cannot be trusted, promises & claimed allegiances are only paper thin & can change with the wind, a glance, a change in emotions. For the most part words are empty and devoid of meaning or substance.


The irony here is that over the years I have talked to her while walking my border collies & she has criticised & bad mouthed just about everyone on the park where I walk them only for me to see her the following days chatting to the very same people she has been vilifying & mocking. This recent event has Inadvertently done me a big favour though as I am no longer forced into interactions with people with all probabilities a sub 100 IQ whom don't understand half the words I use in the conversation. Recently while walking I came across her Husband who of course has placed me in his  Out-group because she has placed me in her Out-group, I purposely forced an interaction to see the reaction and I was not disappointed. Typical of NT Humans & with little or no introspection he immediately went defensive & showed this by his posture, by crossing his arms. Though I had not actually done anything to offend him other than talk to his wife's neighbour, the whole conversation was with him on the defensive & with that a defensive posture throughout with crossed arms & signs of uncomfortability.




















Without words actually having meaning, being the truth or having substance then promises, conversations, pledges of friendship & relationships are merely meaningless platitudes. As I walk my dogs I see daily most NT Humans fill their day with fake greetings, asking 'how people are doing' when in reality they don't really care & many times not even waiting for a reply, they seem to be just going through the motions of caring all under the guise of being polite. Its defined as being polite & having manners to NT Humans however to people with Aspergers Syndrome it just appears disingenuous & fake, afterall what is the point in manners and politeness if what you are saying is not heartfelt or sincere?  To us with Aspergers Syndrome this behaviour is utterly bizarre and personifies insanity.


Friendship Conformity Conditions of NT Humans


For most people with Aspergers Syndrome these 'conformity conditions' placed upon us in friendships with NT Humans is a very hard concept to contemplate & to conform to as most of us on the Spectrum choose to like or dislike someone depending on their behaviour not purely because another person does not like them..


This makes meaningful friendships with NT Humans precarious at best & very difficult to maintain. When you take into account the brutal honesty of most people with Aspergers Syndrome its all but impossible to maintain a healthy relationship without offending or bruising the already overly sensitive & primitive Ego of the NT Human even if this was not your initial intent & all you wanted was friendship.

It really was pathetic, the comical thing though two days later was when I passed their house & he was at the front door which was open but was forced to speak as his wife was there & one could tell he was apprehensive even acknowledging my greeting.


To him no doubt because he did not want to appear to his wife that he was talking to me, this is a brilliant example of just how powerful the In-group/Out-group psychology is with NT Humans & how it moves rational logical thinking to the side to feed  irrational illogical emotions that they feel at the time.


This irrational NT Human pathology does leave people with Aspergers Syndrome in a very troublesome place, we have great difficulty in telling lies & struggle to see the logic in the complex mostly irrational In-group / Out-group behaviours of NT Humans.

The NT Human Ego

The 'ego' to homo Sapien Sapien's (the modern day neuro typical human) is absolutely everything, it must be protected at all costs. They will go to extraordinary lengths  to protect this ego, part of their self-esteem, part of who they are, its an intrinsic part of their character.


Sigmund Freud divided it into three parts with the id, ego & super-ego. Psychologists describe the ego as the 'voice of our self-consciousness', its judgements & decisions & inner voices produce inner-conflict & creates identity crises for most neuro typical humans.


When humans talk to themselves then its usually a conflict with their own ego, not to mention we must take into account the innate confirmation bias that all Humans seem to have.



At the beginning of the 20th century the Elite realized there was too many people to control effectively by force & oppression as they did throughout history. So they devised another way to control people & they did what Norwegian sociologist political economist Thorstein Veblen calls 'fabricating consumers'.  They manipulated people & the public by making them believe that obtaining possessions was the prime purpose of life & their goal in life. The Elite in the business press in the early 1920s openly talked about the need to direct people to the 'superficial things in life like fashionable consumption that will keep them occupied & brainwashed'


The Leaders and the Elite of the time wrote things like 'the public must be put in its place, so that it may exercise its own powers, so that each of us as the Elite in society may live free of the trampling & roar of the bewildered herd'


Dissident intellectual Noam Chomsky also has wrote extensively about this topic writing several excellent books on this subject. 'Understanding Power' & 'Profit over People' being just two of them.


Capitalism caters perfectly to a natural human desire for self enrichment, materialism & consumerism feeds directly into the modern day NT Human ego by bonding objects that you buy like jewellery, cars, houses etc to ones self, you might not actually need that object but the ego will give you some distorted purpose or relevance to you obtaining that object & that's enough for you to spend (at times irrationally) lots of money on material possessions you don't actually need. Of course modern day NT Humans will justify the purchase any way they can to appease the battle they are having inwards with their ego.


Another effect the ego has on people is to make you paint the past or events in the past in a overly prejudistic manner & it stops people moving forward as they are constantly living in the past where they over are analysing past events that have had a profound effect on them. When attempts are made to move forward & progress the ego will stop that progress & remind the person how bad it was & its not going to get any better!  The uncertainty of the future is an enemy of the NT Human & even their past experiences & events bad or good are familiar & so more comfortable. The egos intention sounds hostile but its there in a futile attempt to protect the NT Human.

Another very common behaviour is the inability to admit even to the simplest of truths, everyone has come across people who will never ever admit they are wrong! This is unsurprisingly very common in NT Humans & the origin of this is related to their ego. Some people have such fragile egos & little introspection, such a weak "sense of self" that admitting they made a mistake or that they were wrong is fundamentally too threatening for their egos to tolerate. Accepting they were wrong, absorbing that reality, would be so psychologically devastating & damaging, because of this their defence mechanisms do something remarkable to avoid doing so - they literally distort their perception of reality to make it less threatening! Their defence mechanisms protect their fragile ego by changing the very facts in their mind, so they are no longer wrong or culpable. The moment the NT Human ego is triggered its over, objectivity & rational thinking is impossible from that point on


But when people are consistently unable to admit they’re wrong, when they cannot tolerate the very notion that they are capable of even making mistakes, it is usually because they suffer from an ego so fragile that they cannot sulk and get over it  they need to twist their very perception of reality and challenge obvious facts in order to defend their not being wrong in the first place. The one mistake we should not make as people with Aspergers Syndrome though is to consider their persistent and rigid refusal to admit they’re wrong as a sign of strength or conviction, because it is the absolute opposite, it actually shows psychological weakness and fragility. One could argue too that its actually a sign of lack of evolutionary advancement & emotional retardation, though this behaviour is grotesquely unpalatable to people with Aspergers Syndrome sadly this is all too common in the NT human psychology.
















Fueled by the subliminal programming from advertisements on the TV & in magazines etc the ego of the NT Human also constantly reminds the person they are not good enough, 'the neighbour is doing it better', 'the guy down the road with the better car is more successful than you'. Most achievements or accomplishments are usually mocked to the point of satire in their mind, of course capitalism & consumerism feeds into this mindset perfectly, most NT Humans are caught up in this perpetual rat race of capitalism & consumerism & are so overwhelmed by it they cant see outside the box or the predicament they are in other than the purchase of the next car/item. This way of thinking of course restricts critical thinking & logical decision making. It has such a profound effect on the NT Human that some people adapt their walk, posture & pose depending on the shop they are in, if its a shop with a upper-class image some NT Humans even alter their walk while in that shop to adapt to that shop, they will raise their head higher, walk different! I have witnessed this personally with a person I used to know, though amusing & ridiculous this shows you the effect that capitalism & the perception of class has on NT Humans.


Also worth noting is the film & TV industry, you see daily NT Humans playing out characters they have seen in the movies or on television, its a great pacifier for delusional NT Humans making them for a short while forget about the problems in his life, that hes struggling with paying bills that they cant afford to get a new car. That doesn't matter because you can see the celebrities on television & see how successful they are doing, for some rather bizarre reason this works as a great pacifier for NT Humans, one would think this would only remind them more how bad their life & predicament is but it does not.



The ego of the NT Human also defines what is important to it, if you subconsciously define something as important in your life you will notice it more, fancy a new Motorcycle? The new Kawasaki in the local motorcycle shop window you will notice more as you drive by or while out and about fuelling & reminding you that you need this, advertisements work in the exact same way.


The egos overprotective nature in NT Human is overwhelming, the need for self preservation is deeply rooted in its motives & would rather not do anything risky or what is defined by it as risky. So much so if something good happens in the NT Humans life the ego will quickly remind them to slow down 'take a step back'! 'This might go wrong', like a furry little troll on the shoulder constantly reminding them of the errors or possible negative outcomes due to their decisions made, of course the probability of these negative outcomes coming to fruition makes it highly unlikely to happen in the first place. This process is so profound though that it would create irrational and/or destructive behaviour to avoid or divert from the impending doom or bad decisions it foresees (delusional or not). Of course it cant foresee the future so the NT Human ego actually stifles again creative logical rational thinking. With modern day NT Humans self reflection is all but impossible, they are simply never wrong! So open honest debate is all but impossible.


​The ego equates vulnerability or disability or transparency with weakness, so philosophical walls go up to cover up what is the NT Human's perceived vulnerability. This to people with Aspergers Syndrome is so blatant & obvious, in effect everyone is acting, playing a persona, a role. This role changes depending on mood, whose company they are in, what image they are trying to portray, you are very unlikely to get to meet the 'real' NT Human, that is one of the reasons a lot of NT Humans are uncomfortable around people with the Aspergers condition because we haven't developed the ability to lie like they have, our honesty to them is overwhelming, they perceive it as being rude or threatening becauses it causes cognitive dissonance. In reality its usually the NT Humans intolerance of difference coupled with the blatant truth & honesty coming from the person with Aspergers Syndrome that makes the NT Human feel so uncomfortable.


This is just too much for most Human NT egos to tolerate. It creates cognitive dissonance & then the Human NT will justify cutting contact & communication by saying they are 'in a rush', or 'have an appointment' or anything else they can think of at the time of the encounter.


The ego of the NT Human is like a wall with barbwire on it or an electric fence protecting the false persona or identity the person is trying to portray.  Ever vigilant & over dramatising encounters or potential encounters to be ready for every eventuality, of course this is impossible, it will see the negative in everything, advice will be perceived as criticism, a comment about their appearance is an insult,  they will effectively put meaning into things where their is no meaning. NT Humans are perpetually emotionally volatile, unstable & this kind of behaviour makes them to people with Aspergers Syndrome appear even more unapproachable & unpredictable.


The ego, capitalism & the failure of the new generations to achieve 'Self Actualisation' are all linked directly, the ego measures the value of what you are by what we have personally produced & achieved in life. Capitalism has of course fueled this along by promoting consumerism movie standard cinematography in advertisements,  'if they get that BMW they have always wanted their life will be better', when of course a car quarter of the price & half the size will do exactly the same job.  The failure to achieve 'Self Actualisation' sets the NT Human off into a never-ending loop of consumerism. Commercial brands are mistaken for expressions of individuality & the possessions for NT Humans become part of them, the BMW they always wanted will be part of the ego then part of the persona they are playing to others. They think 'people will respect me if they see I have a BMW, this shows advancement' of course its ridiculously short sighted & narrow minded to think of such things but sadly most of the western world now think in this way. The oligarchic corporate capitalist founders of our society have used capitalism very deviously in a way that it connects perfectly into the constant perceived inadequacies created by the ego reminding the NT Human, 'you'll be a better person if you have that BMW, you are worth more, people will respect you'. It's sad for people with Aspergers Syndrome because most of us can see past this simplistic apelike way of thinking that possessions will somehow define who you are & as such most people now in modern day western countries to us on the Spectrum appear superficial, pretentious & some what simple minded.


With the pandering of the NT Human to the capitalistic corporations to listening to the detrimental voice of your ego reminding you that the guy next door has more than you & is therefore better in some warped illogical way, people now know the cost of everything & the value of nothing.


This was done to save face of course as if he had went abroad & survived it looks bad on them & their judgment & of course a bruise to their already over inflated ego. All logic & rational thinking goes out of the door when NT Humans choose to protect their ego & this goes a part way to explain why its pointless arguing with an NT Human if they believe something or make a stand based on a moral stand point. They would rather lie, die, fight, project back onto you than admit they were wrong & take a hit to their ego. This to people with Aspergers Syndrome is repulsive & perhaps one of the major things that makes our skin crawl about NT Human behaviour, as most of us believe you cant progress & better yourself until you are humble & show humility &  admit you got something wrong. The phrase 'The first step on the road to wisdom is admitting that you don't know anything' springs to mind.


A point worth mentioning is in the last two years of writing for this website there has been two occasions where the British medical establishment had made decisions where they said the child would die regardless of what the parents did & went to court to stop the parents seeking help in other countries. Both times the parents took their children abroad & the children were treated by Doctors in other countries and they are still alive today!










































The following is a brilliant example of how the NT Human ego & the need to protect that ego will conflict with rational logical thinking. The example is of Alfie Evans a very ill young child that the British doctors couldn't fully diagnose nor allowed to go other countries to seek treatment, they announced that 'on the removal of the breathing equipment he would die in minutes', but when removed he lived 3 days which was more than enough time to board the plane waiting for him to Italy to try another way of treatment. The British doctors in the NHS denied this & so did the British legal system. What this clearly shows though is the flawed logical thinking process in NT Humans that is sadly all too common. Rather than admit they were wrong the doctors thought legal action after legal action to stop him going elsewhere.





Alfie Evans & his Father

​The Stanford Prison Experiment

The Stanford prison experiment (SPE) was a social psychology experiment that attempted to investigate the psychological effects of perceived power, focusing on the interaction between prisoners & prison officers. It started at Stanford University on 14 August 1971 by a research group led by psychology professor Philip Zimbardo using college students. The U.S. Office of Naval Research funded the experiment as an investigation into the causes of difficulties between guards & prisoners in the United States. There was 24 volunteers 12 guards & 12 prisoners who agreed to spend two weeks in a artificial correctional facility.




Volunteer Prisoners in the Experiment

In the study, volunteers were selected to be either "prisoners" or "guards" by chance by the flip of a coin, in a mock prison, with Professor Philip Zimbardo himself serving as the superintendent. Several "volunteer prisoners" left mid-experiment, and the whole experiment was shutdown after six days.


Early reports on experimental results claimed that students quickly embraced their assigned roles, with some guards enforcing authoritarian & violent measures and ultimately subjecting some prisoners to psychological torture. While many prisoners passively accepted the psychological abuse, other prisoners tried to stop it which led to further aggression and violent behaviour from the guards.

This experiment is very relevant here as it clearly shows that even if NT Humans are merely playing a role they can & will turn cruel for no other purpose than to be cruel. This is yet another example that the capability of NT Humans to be egregiously cruel is always there and part of who they are, they just were just forced via social conformity & the threat of being ostrized from society to restraint these behaviours. When however given the opportunity to actually yield these powers & behave in a primitive aggressive manner they jump at the chance to do so with some of them actually enjoying the process of hurting others.


One of the volunteer guards was interviewed years later and he was told about the lasting  psychological stress he & his fellow guards had caused to some of the inmates, he laughed & said 'I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy it'.. Giving un-relinquished power to NT Humans is dangerous & that is why the perceived power of Uniform and Power as in police officers clearly show higher signs of domestic violence and bullying compared to the rest of the population.. Of course the Perceived power taps directly into the primate part of the NT Human mind & the power & control makes the person with it feel good.. Sadly for people on the other end of them wielding their omnipotent power like the prisoners & people with Aspergers Syndrome don't fair so well.




The Power of Human Association & Tribal Affiliation

Human association/Tribal affiliation or need to belong to a group like the human ego has a drastic effect on human behaviour, as with the ego the human association origins are deeply rooted in the genetics of the human and is tied to the incessant need for NT Humans to belong. This belonging/association was the thing that kept the ape troop together, giving the bond & camaraderie to stop individual apes from straying. Modern day NT Humans still have this trait/association & an incessant need to belong as do all the other primates on the planet, this shows its self in modern day times as having nostalgia or sentimental feelings for the place you grew up in, having a bond to the city where you grew up in, a bond to the local football team etc. Indeed their is endless ways this ancient process of association shows its self in today's human beings.


Corporate Driven Capitalism has rather insidiously tapped into this ancient process by selling goods to humans that already have a bond with them, football teams are a great example of this. The NT Human already has association with the football team of his home town & feeds his need to belong by attending matches with thousands of other humans doing the same thing. But for the unscrupulous football team this isn't enough they strengthen the bond even more by selling them football shirts that the club they support wear. They then take it a step further & add the name of their favourite player on the back of that football top (for an extra charge of course). This to the fan of the club subconsciously & consciously in some aspects brings them closer together, he feels if he wears them colours he has association with that club, incessant hunger for belonging is also fed & the name on the back of his favourite player also intensifies the deep need in NT Humans to belong to some group & its a bonus for the club who earn more money from the printing of the name.




















I remember as a child perhaps 6 or 7 years old sitting with my brothers every Saturday afternoon to watch the football results on TV & even then so young  I would question 'what are we watching this for', 'what has a football club 400 miles away got to do with you us' & 'how do you gain or profit from them winning a match?'  Of course looking back that was the Aspergers mind pushing the association/Tribal affiliation to the side & looking at the action objectively & questioning the reasoning & logic why you have association with football clubs you have never seen nor never will.


The down side to association & tribal affiliation is that it is so fundamentally powerful in the human mind that it can stir up some very powerful irrational emotions in people & of course when powerful emotions & NT Humans meet, rational logical thinking usually disappears. NT humans? rational? logical? I hear you asking, when did that ever happen?



The Human In-Group Out-Group Psychology


The in-group out-group's origins lie in our cousins (the other great apes) & is there as with association to keep the ape troop together.


Some Anthropologists also think it had a say in the regulation of procreation & keeping the genetic pool free from illness as when behaviour was recognised as strange or a possible illness was visable be it physical or mental the other apes would either not allow other apes to procreate with this ape or they would either kill it or drive it out of the troop leaving it to fend for itself..


In our modern day environment & society this behaviour is of course maladaptive & has no real place in the way humans live their life today, as with other traits inherited from our ape cousins the humans genetics have still not caught up with the modern day environment & the in-group out-group psychology is still very much a part of human behaviour.


An important question is 'Are Humans aware of the In-group Out-group process as its happening? '


After observing Humans for most of my life I don't think they are, not on a conscious level that they can actually intervene and stop the thought process. This is vital as if it is mostly a subconscious decision making process its virtually impossible for them to stop, perhaps its too deeply imbedded into their DNA code for them to do anything & we will have to wait for evolution to re-write the code.

Perhaps there is some survival mechanism at work in formulating ingroup-outgroup distinctions. In our desire to feel safe, we bond together with those whom we see as sharing the most commonality, so that we can protect ourselves from those who might do us harm. The virtual fences we build to keep the outsiders away & allow us to go on with our daily lives feeling protected and secure, however, it is precisely these same fences that keep us from bonding with our fellow human beings & stop humans progressing on an evolutionary level.



The slightly un-nerving thing here regarding 'In-group Out-group' is the ease that someone can be placed in their out-group for virtually nothing. A great example is my 3 hours a day process of walking my Border Collies, the place where I walk my dogs is a large field & there is regulars their walking their dogs that meet & chat. I very quickly established that their primary discussion topic between them was gossip about other people & one elderly man seemed to do this more than others so I stopped speaking to him & tried to avoid the times when he would be on the field. Because of me ignoring him he started insulting me with personal insults every time I passed him so I ignored it, suffice to say because I had placed him in my out-group & he had also then now placed me in his out-group everyone in his in-group that used to speak to me now placed me in their out-group and totally ignored me.


This is a classic example of how easy it is to fall into someone's out-group, it also backs up my theory that humans are not conscious about these choices they make on whom is in their in-group and who is not, its seems to be on a sub-conscience level that these decisions are being made. They are anything but logical in nature as if they were they would do more investigating and find out why I had stopped speaking to him, why I avoid them most of the time, but instead they simply remove me from their in-group & place me in their out-group. This is a shockingly simplistic cognitive impairment process and because most NT Humans seem to be subservient to this process it really does make me question the average cognitive ability of most of the NT Humans on the planet, this 'in-group/out-group' psychology doesn't seemed to have changed since we lived in jungles in ape troops & doesn't look like its going to change any time soon yet it has such a profound hold on most human behaviour.
















The same happens when corporations sell 'celebrity named' perfume or aftershave. The fan of the celebrity actually thinks that if they wear the aftershave or perfume that shares the name of the celebrity it some how brings them closer to that celebrity & have more in common with them. In reality though I doubt the celebrity has ever worn this fragrance or even smelt it before, but the almost delusional possibility that they could of is enough!


This shows you how powerful Tribal affiliation & association/belonging is to NT Humans, the amusing thing is the Humans that have fell for this purely profit driven charade don't even realize they have been tricked!


Trying to wake them up & trust me ive tried many times is pointless. I've come to the conclusion that if they have got to adulthood & they still don't realize why they are doing these things, me blabbering to them in their ear isn't going to change anything, its impossible to undo 60 thousand years of genetic code.

Then she flipped the situation & showed that the brown-eyed children, when on top, exacted the same punishments onto their blue-eyed classmates. This experiment shows clearly how easily people are manipulated into believing something & also how cruel humans can be with simple conditioning based on lies.


The rigged political systems ensure most NT Humans have affiliation to political parties in large enough numbers that inevitably it becomes political & social paralysis.  NT Humans still have their tribal village mentality & behavioural traits which is not able to deal with the large numbers in society these days. Indeed its impossible for NT Humans to have consensus on just about anything with such large mass numbers. Political paralysis together with greed & mass conformity disempowers & discredits any morality the NT Human would of originally had of living a wholesome life guided with integrity.


Support Group

One of the most significant experiments on ingroup-outgroup bias was not carried out in the psych lab at all, but in the school room of an Iowa teacher, Jane Elliot. In 1968, the day after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Elliot decided to address the problems of racial prejudice by dividing her third grade class into groups on the basis of eye colour.  Elliot showed how easy it was to turn her 7-year-old pupils into hate mongerers by making the brown-eyed children the targets of discrimination by the "better" blue-eyed children.


Within minutes, the blue-eyed children sadistically ridiculed their unfortunate classmates, calling them "stupid" & shunning them in the playground during recess.



The Hypocrisy and Selective Morality of Human Beings

The constant hypocrisy & selective morality exhibited by NT Humans is shocking to us who have Aspersersv Syndrome. The behaviour is so blatant & evident that we wonder how they can continue exhibiting it without their consciences being trigged, yet they do! This decadent behaviour is now visible in the media with Newspapers & TV shows also indulging in the free for all which is NT Human wide spread hypocrisy to an extent now that its become odd if you don't indulge in such behaviour, indeed its become a 'social norm'.


A brilliant example is the TV show called 'Come Dine with me' where NT humans meet one another and cook food in a dinner party setting. Now that might sound untroubling & to be fair it is humorous at times but a sour taste meets ones mouth when you realize that quarter of the people on Earth have no food. This blatant & somewhat vile promotion of gluttony from having excess food is very distasteful & knowing fine well that quarter of their species have no food merely adds to the distaste.


The Aspergers brain thinks 'shouldn't we make sure everyone has food then we can have these shows where the abundance of food is portrayed'? The NT human however will label this accuser as a 'kill joy' & does not seem to have a problem with the clear contradiction & question of morality this type of programme brings.

Sadly this is a prevailing and constant behaviour of NT Humans, indeed they will justify just about anything if it suits their needs & clear breach's of morality such as the dinner party programmes when quarter of the planet have no food don't even factor into their thinking.


This to most people with Aspergers is fascinating and also appears very decadent.  NT Humans exhibit this consistent behaviour partly due to the programming & indoctrination of individualistic thinking that comes with capitalism & consumerism and partly due to the genetics inherited from the Ape ancestors of Humans. The NT Human will justify the programme by telling themselves  'people in foreign lands starving are not related to me & I  don't know who they are' & 'they have no genetic tie to them so its more comfortable for them to pretend they are not there and not starving' (the phrase 'out of sight out of mind' springs to mind.. The book 'the selfish gene' goes into great detail about this and is a book I can recommend fully.




Come Dine with Me Television show

These are just a few examples of  how NT Humans would justify their behaviour when confronted with the morality & decadence of their decision making. Surely any species which has integrity and has sincere attributes would first feed there there own species first before making programmes promoting gluttony, but whoever said Human Beings had integrity or were sincere?


As well as just entertainment & the gluttony there is also a sinister purpose of TV Programmes. Part of the fake perverse environment NT Humans inhabit is influenced by the media & of course TV programmes. This all started with something called the 'Creel Commission', the Creel Commission was the Committee on Public Information which was set up between 1917–1919, also known as the CPI. It was an independent agency of the government of the United States created to influence public opinion to support US participation in World War I. But it has remained intact since its creation & now influences a predominantly delusional public in topics & matters they wish the public to see. The shocking part of this is that the so called entertainment programmes are also part of this programming. Its very telling & somewhat worrying that American Wrestling is the Number 2 of most watched regular TV programmes in the United States.


The wrestling obviously is fake and most of the watchers/fans know this, it

plays to the stereo types of good & evil, right & wrong with its fans almost

idolizing these obscenely massive steroid fuelled wrestlers.. It promotes hyper

masculinity which this perverse society adores, by showing massive men who

for the most part have taken steroids to look ridiculously huge & almost

cartoon like.


It seems to be the perfect pacifier for people with unhealthy, unnatural lives

to detach into the illusionary & make believe & American Wrestling fills that

gap perfectly.. by the way if you are wondering what was the number 1 most

watched programme in the United States is its 'Sponge bob square pants' again

a very telling and un-nerving sign of the state of minds of the NT Humans &

their society.






Social Conformity

​Scott Steiner American Wrestler

Nt Humans are restricted & confined by what they define as socially acceptable & are willing to lie about anything just to fit into the collective 'majority' group. There was an experiment & there was 30 people in the experiment, 29 of these were actors & 1 was not an actor, they were all asked the same question about a length of 3 lines on a piece of paper & the participants have to say which is longest in a,b,c form. The 29 actors all lied for the duration of the test saying wrong results. The odd thing was 60-70% of the single people who were not actors in the test started lying & voting with the group even though they knew it was a lie and wrong.


This shows you the power that social conformity has on NT Humans & of course is tied in intrinsically with ingroup/outgroup psychology. This is also why people with Aspergers Syndrome are seen as 'trouble makers' or 'rebellious in nature' as usually we will not be swayed or influenced by such primitive apelike traits like social conformity & then of course inevitably i might add we reap the consequences of being so honest by being ostracized by most NT Humans. Its perhaps the little or no 'Theory of Mind' that stops the obligationary need to conform to the majority group, or it just could be that lying or denying the facts just to conform is just a step too far for us with Aspergers Syndrome.






















Eight chemicals used in fabric softener products are hazardous to our health, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency


Alpha-Terpineol – Brain Disorders, Nervous Disorders, Loss of muscle control, Depression, and Headaches


Benzyl Acetate – Pancreas Cancer


Benzyl alcohol – Central nervous system disorders, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Dizziness and Sudden drop in blood pressure.


Chloroform – Neurotoxic, Anesthetic, Carcinogenic, Loss of consciousness, Nausea, Headache, Vomiting, Dizziness, Drowsiness.


Ethanol – Central Nervous System disorders.


Ethyl Acetate – Headaches


Linalool – Loss of muscle coordination, Nervous system Disorders, Brain disorders, Depression


Pentane – Headaches, Nausea, Dizziness, Fatigue, Drowsiness, Depression


When you try & educate NT Humans on the poison they are using & puncture the logic & veracity of their behaviour they get angry & annoyed & don't want to hear it! The reality of poisoning themselves every day through using these chemicals is not as important as their clothes smelling good & being soft. The movie like advertisements on the television that glamorised these products is what matters, its irrelevant that its actually toxic & poisonous to the human body.


There is Soy based products which are un-harmful to the body which could be used & have a similar effect on washed clothes but this does not have the fashionable tag or the movie like advertisements behind them. The Romans were using lead piping from which they were getting slowly poisoned over the centuries, they were unaware of the reasons behind why they were becoming ill from lead poisoning.. In stark contrast modern NT Humans choose not to look at the chemicals in these products & if confronted with the facts they wilfully & delusionally convince themselves they are safe. For people with Aspergers

Syndrome this behaviour is the very definition of insanity.


NT Humans are bound and restricted by their genetics and with that their social conformity. Thinking for ones self for most is impossible, going against the group/troop is also mostly impossible making free thinking and critical thinking also impossible.




















Another Great example of social conformity & the need for NT Humans to 'follow the herd' is in consumerism. Items are marketed as something that NT Humans needs, they are given expensive movie like advertisements on the television and if things become 'fashionable' then like an insane mob they will flock to do the same in what could only be described as a non thinking sheep like behaviour.


A classic example of this is a product called 'fabric conditioner', they pour it into their washing machine because it makes their clothes soft and they smell nice (which  personally i think is repulsive). The smell is Fifty times stronger than it needs to be & the actual chemicals that coats their clothes are full of toxins & some deadly chemicals which have been directly linked to Skin Rashes, Asthma, and Cancer. US Environmental Protection Agency considers two of VOCs found in the dryer sheets to be carcinogens; acetaldehyde & benzene. The Amercian Academy of Dermatology claims that the addition of fragrance to a product creates an avoidable risk of irritant or allergic reaction to fragrance-sensitive persons. More than 600 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted by clothes dryer machines. Seven VOCs are hazardous air pollutants.



Here is a fantastic video showing the power of conformity in NT Humans..


Even when the behaviour is completely pointless and illogical the drive to conform and not stand out from the troop/herd forces the NT Human to do some ridiculous things..


This is a small experiment but imagine this on a mass collective scale of a army or country & you get the picture why this is so detrimental for free thinking & critical thinking

The Social Conformity also strays into the NT Humans obsession with consumerism.. Animals have now become fashion items for NT Humans are part of the consumeristic life style they live. The latest Fashion & obsession item for NT Humans seems to be French bulldogs & pugs..  The need for the NT Human to conform socially seems to come hand in hand with items that are fashionably obtainable at any give time.


The fact that a lot of these dogs have problems actually breathing due to being selectively bred that way to have the flattest face possible & they have to be born cesarean section as the head is too large to be born naturally does not seem to come into the equation for the NT Human. They must follow conformity & they want what other NT Humans find fashionable, perhaps in a vain attempt to bring attention themselves. I've noticed a lot of NT Humans when they walk where I walk my collies regularly they seem to wallow in the attention they will get if they appear on the park with a new dog & more so if its a puppy..

The new dog or the dog that's fashionable at the time seems to act the same to the owner as a new branded track suit, Adidas, Nike etc.. regardless of brand the NT Human thinks that others will see them in the tracksuit or see them with the new fashionable dog & will it will then bring attention to them & they seem to naively think that they own something that others want.



French BullDogs are the latest fashion item for NT Humans


A very recent but brilliant example of social conformity has been brought about by the recent Covid 19 Corona Virus in society.. Even though science has proven and pointed out that unless masks are PPE verified which most masks worn by people are not they are useless to stop a virus like Covid 19.. One epidemiologist said a great analogy he said 'its like trying to stop malaria via the mosquitoes with chicken wire..

The establishment first conformed this saying masks do nothing, then quickly back peddled & suddenly made them mandatory for people to wear them even out in the public. Even though clothe masks do nothing to stop the virus & actually are very bad for your health as they reduce the oxygen amount taken in & the carbon dioxide exhaled..



It was never about science though and facts it was about conformity & fear & the Herded unthinking mass's of NT Humans gleefully followed the instructions without thinking for a minute that what they were doing was not making a difference & is actually detrimental to their health, I guess for that you need critical thinking.. Others that did not conform and refused to wear them were often bullied by the other NT Humans to wear masks.. Nowyears later even though it is not mandatory to wear masks in public NT Humans still wear them..

A brilliant & very telling video created by unicef on how perception of the needy is distorted depending on the wealth they have & how they appear..


A great example of just how perverse the psychology of the western NT Human society is.








Where is the Human Race Heading?

This is a difficult question to answer, some think that impending doom is on the horizon, perhaps world war 3 with the use of the ghastly nuclear bombs humanity has created. Some think there is a polar shift just around the corner & others still believe we are the children of god, a rather quiet god I might add!.  But if we were to survive all them cataclysmic prophecies where exactly are humans heading?


Well I don't think NT Humans are going to stop destroying this beautiful planet any time soon, nor are we going to stop wiping out species in humans incessant need to feed consumerism. I read recently an entire range of forest was cut down in the Amazon the size of Paris in one week for a palm olive oil company. Of course this life style & capitalism in all its rampant forms is not sustainable, in the end it is inevitable something will break, be it the supply line, the planet, the environment,unfettered capitalism is rapidly destroying the eco system that the Human Race rely on to survive.


There was an interesting article written Tuesday, 17 October 2006 on the BBC News website regarding NT Humans genetic lines, evolutionary theorist 'Oliver Curry' of the London School of Economics predicts that in the next 30 years that humanity will split into off shoots of different races. The so called 'genetic upper class' would rule the world & I quote 'The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative and a far cry from the "underclass" humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures.'





Though numerous in nature its a scary thought that this could be the catastrophic outcome of human nature but this evolutionary theorist has a very questionable knowledge of genetics and how natural selection actually works. The split  has already happened!, indeed this is how natural selection works, there is new genetic lines & off shoots happening constantly this is how natural selection makes species adapt to the changing environment. The split predicted in 30 years has been happening constantly for 1000's of years now, another error in his thinking is that the so called 'underclass' as he put it have already out bred the 'upper-class' by around 80% or more.  So unless the elite of the planet (the ones with power and money) are about to wipe 80% of the population of humans out I doubt the elite will outbreed an already massive underclass. Lets not put ideas into the heads of the elite though, we know from history just how ruthless & callous the elite can be to people they view as beneath them or people who dare to question their actions.


Looking at modern day humans there is clear distinctions in not just social class but also in genetics. Indeed genetic inequality is already here! We are just not allowed to talk about it or discuss it. Its the elephant in the room that everyone can see but no one can talk about. The Royal families have been playing with genetic blood lines for thousands of years & these families still think (delusionally so) that they have a more pure superior blood line than other people. The evidence though actually contradicts this & looking at the Royal blood line they have been inbreeding for centuries & with that comes all the associated diseases & aliments in the genetic code that comes when you inbreed with very close family relatives.


The IQ level of men in the western world has dropped by 20 points in the last 15-20 years. The average IQ level in UK of men used to be 120 now its around the 100 mark, this is a shocking drop & with the advent of smart phones & online media & communication the IQ level is sure to drop further. Studies have shown that the new generation of NT Humans are losing their ability to communicate effectively in person, they are also losing their vocabulary & ability to do simple mathematics & critical thinking is something they would find difficult to spell let alone accomplish. Some people argue that this was the plan all along by the political class, the 'dumbing down' of the mass's so they would be easier controlled.  I also think that without the ability for critical thinking which most NT Humans dont have they are more likely to fall for the establishment/corporation ran propaganda which fuels the consumerism & capitalistic ideals & therefor more likely to be 'glued' to their 'genetic rails' without the ability to think themselves.


A recent example of this lowering of IQ's was a british comprehensive school test to 13-15 year olds, the question was 'if you have a bag and its 14 pounds, but they half the price of that bag, how much is the bag'?  Astonishingly one pupil wrote '28 pounds less' for an answer. Another example again in a british comprehensive school the pupils were asked 'Adelaide is a city in Australia, the time in the UK is 8 & a half hours the behind the time in Adelaide, when it is 4pm in Adelaide, what time is it in UK?' A pupil replied 'bed time'.


The irony here as well as the awful mathematics & a need to explain that Adelaide is in Australia is that most of the british public are unaware that the over the last 4-5 years universities & schools have actually been lowering the passing grades for their exams & courses. This of course was a response to the overall generalized lowering of the IQ level by 20 points, so to pander to the lowering of the IQ rather than attemping to raise IQ's they simply lower the passing grades for exams & effectively make it easier to achieve the grade, this is truly Shocking! There is a mathematical inevitability that the IQ level will continue to drop as people with a lower IQ generally have 2 or 3 children more than people with a higher IQ.


Also confirming the worrying drop in IQ scores of NT Humans was a study called

'The Princeton Review'. This study analyzed  the speeches of the Gore-Bush

debates of 2000, the Clinton-Bush-Perot debates of 1992, the Kennedy-Nixon

debate of i960, and the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. It reviewed these using

a standard Vocabulary that  indicates the minimum educational standard needed

for a reader to understand the text.


In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Lincoln spoke at the educational level of an

eleventh grader (11.2), and Douglas addressed the crowd using a vocabulary

suitable (12.0) for a high-school graduate. In the Kennedy-Nixon the two

candidates spoke in language accessible to tenth graders


In the 1992 debates however there was an obvious drop in numbers, Clinton

spoke at a seventh-grade level (7.6), while Bush spoke at a sixth-grade level

During the 2000 debates, Bush spoke at a sixth-grade level (6.7) and Gore at a

high.  In the 1992 debates, Clinton spoke at a seventh-grade level (7.6).


While Bush spoke at a sixth-grade level (6.2), as did Perot (6.3). During the 2000 debates, Bush spoke at a sixth-grade level (6.7) & Gore at a high seventh-grade level (7.6).

These numbers are irrefutable & complement exactly with the other studies on the planet showing lowering IQ levels in NT Humans. One can clearly see the dropping of the abillity to understand basic Vocabulary in debates & speeches over the years. The candidates are clearly over time pandering to the publics lowering IQ & changing their speeches so the public can understand them more clearly.  There is 327.2 million people in the United States (according to figures for 2018) , half of them believe that the second coming of Christ is coming in the next five to ten years! This is a very worrying & also a great example of the intellect of NT Humans.





George W Bush

The problem with this regardless if its planned or not, its essential that we have a well educated intelligent population to run an advanced, law abiding efficient society such as we have in the western world. 


I come accross this problem daily walking my dogs, I come across people who simply don't have the ability to think critically or to talk about anything that is remotely complex, most of the time I end up in a  conversation with people who don't know a large percentage of the words I am using.


They are for the most part 'intellectually backward', its truly astonishing to me that they survive & live their life when the majority of them have never read a book, they don't question anything, they simply go along on their 'genetic rails' never looking to the side & believing everything they are told.

The inevitable crumbling of our society has already started with the IQ drop, business's & social structures are becoming less efficient, less professional, less productive.


In the UK & The United States the 'image' of the business or social structure seems to be more important now than the actual product or service they offer. They all have catchy logos or tunes in their advertisements, but when you engage with them at any level they appear incompetent, slow, unprofessional.


This is predominantly to do with the recent lowering of the IQ level in the western world & of course the overwhelming over population of humans that inhabit this planet now so the services are overwhelmed.















We also need a political revolution & we must as a species do every thing within our power to destroy the mechanisms of corporate power & their ability to garner profit. The mainstream media's mania for hope is deeply flawed, selling us false hope which is actually disempowering which is its purpose. The first thing we have to do is face up to the reality of what is actually going on now & stop living in a fantasy world of magical thinking.. We have a moral imperative to try and change things for the betterment of humanity which course cannot happen until people actually wake up & admit to the reality of how the world actually is. A quote from Chris Hedges says it perfectly 'If hope becomes something you express through illusion then its not hope its fantasy'.












































The Impending Economic Collapse & Depression


Professor of Economics Nouriel Roubini

I have been following the financial markets for a long time now & I have warned NT Humans about this for years from which I was usually met with laughter.  Most NT Humans would rather live in a world of magical thinking and illusion rather than to grasp reality.


Now with the onset of the Corona Virus & the over exaggeration of the figures to make it appear worse..


The new great depression has started! the currencies around the world more so the dollar has devalued, interest rates are almost zero so there is no buffering from the decades of quantitative easing & now they are going to purposely collapse the economy to reset it to bring in a digital currency & while doing so conveniently killing millions of 'worthless eaters' as Henry Kissinger once referred to old people .. The document 'Lock-Step' by the Rockefeller foundation devised by the Rockefeller family decades ago envisaged releasing a pandemic to implement a economic collapse & then to bring in world wide control of people & here we are. The 'Lock_Step' documentation is freely available on the Internet.




Nouriel Roubini is an American economist Professor of Economics that teaches at New York University's Stern School of Business. He recently stated there will be no quick recovery like the politicians constantly claim & it will actually not even be a U shaped economic bounce back but will be a L shaped economic bounce back recovery with a depression surpassing the Great Depression & lasting up to 10 years! This of course was all planned to purposely do this! Interestingly before the beginning of the last 2 world wars there was a massive economic slump! Sheer coincidence of course! & of course nothing boosts the economy like a good war!


He recently wrote a paper on this topic a few months after the out break of the Corona Virus 2020. The economist does expect things to get better before they get worsem he predicts a slow lacklustre Unshaped economic rebound in the pandemics immediate aftermath..

But he insists that this recovery will quickly collapse beneath the weight of the global economic accumulated debts. Specifically, Roubini argues that the massive private debts accrued during both the 2008 crash & covid-19 crisis will durably depress consumption & weaken the short lived recovery, meanwhile the aging of populations across the western world will further undermine growth while increasing the fiscal burdens of countries already saddled with hazardous debt loads.



















Roubini allows that after a decade of misery, we may get around to redeveloping a 'more inclusive' cooperative, & stable international order' but he hastens to add 'any happy ending assumes that we find a way to survive' the hard times to come.


The Elites great experiment is finished! Consumerism or as Therstein Veblen called it 'fabricated consumers' & the way of life of most of the western world will end soon... Walter Lippmann American writer and political commentator wrote in the early 1900s ' the public must be put in there place so that the responsible men can make decisions without interference from the bewildered herd' and that is what people have called normal for the last 100 plus years.... 


Its a hard to pill to swallow to admit humanity has been duped, but consumerism was just put in place as controlling the masses directly through violence was becoming impossible so they did it through the creation of consumerism.. Now the experiment has ran its course and now the elite have other plans for hence this global reset crap etc.. Humanity never really had freedom or self determination it was merely a myth given to us by the psychopathic elite who like the late great George Calin said  'they own you'..


Although deficit spending is necessary in the present crisis & will appear benign at the onset of recovery, it is laying the kindling for an inflationary conflagration by mid-decade.


As the deepening geopolitical rift between the United States & China triggers a wave of de-globalization, negative supply shocks akin those of the 1970s are going to raise the cost of real resources, even as hyper exploited workers suffer perpetual wage and benefit declines.


Prices will rise, but growth will peter out, since ordinary people will be forced to trim back their consumption more & more. stagflation will beget depression & through it all humanity will be beset by unnatural disasters from extreme weather events wrought by man made climate change to pandemics induced by our disruption of natural ecosystems.

The Folly of Infinite Growth & Prosperity



























History has shown us when societies collapse either due to war or economic reasons the governments of them societies usually implement marshal law in a vain attempt to keep control, even when the world and society is falling around their ears still the obsessive need for power fills their primitive apelike minds, its saddening but oh so predictable.


Now you can call me a 'Critical Realist' if you wish & this may sound like a bleak future but reality is reality and humans have set this up so badly & in such a unpragmatic way its inevitable it will fail in the end.


This monetary debt based banking system & with consumerism slowly wrecking the planet its enviable that in the end the system will fall apart & with it the downfall of humans. The irony here is for the planet & the other species on this planet this would be the best outcome of any.



peak oil graph.png

The deeply flawed economic system is a one based on infinite growth at its core, of course infinite growth is impossible as the Earth has not got an infinite supply of resources & its resources that the financial markets rely on.


Peak Oil Theory was developed by a physicist called M. King Hubbert in the early 1900s,  he contended that conventional sources of crude oil as in the early 21st century either will or have already reached their maximum production capacity worldwide & will diminish significantly in volume by the middle of the century. Hubbert suggested that oil production in a particular region would approximate a bell curve, increasing exponentially during the early stages of production before eventually slowing, reaching a peak when approximately half of a field had been extracted & then going into terminal production decline. In 2008 the  Interntional Energy Agency declared a global 9% decline rate in the production to 8 millions barrels a day. This announcement confirms we have already passed Peak Oil Supply





Hubberts peak oil graph 1900-2080

When the resources run out such as minerals & oil etc then the society will fail.


All of NT Human economic & mechanical infrastructure is based around the consumption of oil, 6 gallons of oil are needed for the creation of one tyre, our cars, tractors, trains, trucks, aeroplanes, agricultural equipment that helps to grow all the food is reliant on it, plastics is created by oil. Without oil the current structure of NT Human society can not function, its as simple as that.



So even if NT Humans did not destroy themselves which i think is inevitable given time this system is simply not sustainable. When the oil runs out society is doomed to fail, there is not another alternative to replace it nor is there infrastructure there to accommodate another way of doing things.


The Society that NT Humans inhabit

Also worth mentioning is the society that that the majority of NT Humans inhabit, the earth, political & financial system are ran by a tiny ruthless Oligarchic elite. They are the ones who place presidents & prime ministers into power, they choose & set the interest rates, manipulate the financial markets & run the banking industry. The Society that most NT Humans live in is nothing more but a Inverted totalitarian Corporate Slave Society, where profit at all costs, where exploitation of people is common & to earn as much wealth as possible without ever asking if the way you got the wealth was moral or dignified'. This Unfettered Capitalism always defines its self by what it stands against, as because what it stands for is so naked in its greed, narcissism, exploitation & abuse so it refuses to hold the mirror to itself.


The warped system also uses the media and advertisement to push a fake narrative that the world & society is not like the aforementioned. It Lies to NT Humans by telling them 'they can be anything they want if they try hard enough' & while spreading obvious slurge like this they are idolising celebrities, politicians & Rich people as something to aspire to in a kind of obscene decadent narcissistic dream world. NT Humans are innately insecure & emotionally unstable, traits that they attempt to cover up with bombastic grandiosity from items gained via free for all consumerism, peoples self-worth in the NT Humans world are judged by appearance & how much wealth they can accumulate. All the traits from a bygone time that use to be deemed as virtuous are no longer, kindness, empathy, altruistic traits are not just frowned upon but are now mocked.


The ethics promoted by corporations onto NT Humans are horrid, the ethic of unrestrained capitalism, where consumption becomes before love or bonding or social ties. It is the miss guided belief that personal style & personal advancement mistaken as individualism is the same as democratic equality its the celebration of image over substance we have the right to do anything we want if it makes us happy, including belittling or destroying people around us if it makes you rich or makes you famous.





















The Corporate State deliberately & relentlessly push's the Celebrity Culture onto NT Humans to appease & alter their gaze away from the criminal theft & corruption implemented by the oligarchic elite & Corporations. As well as profiting vastly from this system the corporate elite use the celebrities culture as a pacifier to the social inequalities that NT Humans live under.


This culture of admiring over paid & likely narcissistic Celebrities is a brutal world of unadulterated competition, there is a constant quest for notoriety & attention & NT Humans self exaltation permits the NT Human to humiliate those that oppose the culture.


Those that win are the best those that lose deserve simply to be erased, those that are deemed ugly, poor or weak are belittled or mocked, NT Humans are used betrayed & discarded in a sick commodity celebrity culture.


Celebrity culture has given us a life movie, people try to see themselves moving through life as a camera would see them on a movie set,  always mindful & aware of how we hold ourself & how we dress & what we say. The NT Human is in a narcissistic driven movie of their very own with the NT Human as the star! Celebrity culture has taught NT Humans almost unconsciously to generate interior screenplays & scripts, they have learnt new ways of speaking & thinking that grossly disfigure the way we relate & perceive the actual reality of society & the world. The delusion of the peoples own personal screenplay trumps everything else & the NT Human wallows in the self grandiosity of being a star in his own movie (even a delusional one). This constantly analyzing themselves as on a movie set is all the more bizarre because when it comes to their own behaviour & emotions NT Humans are predominantly devoid of any introspection, but to play the movie part/persona they are playing they don't miss anything. To us with Aspergers Syndrome  this is hilarious and also very worrying that they spend so much time playing the role of the star in their very own movie yet still are devoid of any introspection or self reflection.


Last year in America there was over 12 million plastic surgery operations. People have been conditioned now to believe they are marketable commodities, with the inferiority of their life & appearance driven by an obscene delusion of what reality should be set by the film, media & beauty industry. They have no intrinsic value, they just must look fabulous & live on fabulous stage sets! They must remain beautiful, young & achieve notoriety & money or the illusion of it to be a success & it does not matter how they get their as long as they get there. People have been brainwashed and programmed to think their life is a movie & with the help of facebook narcissism has been fuelled by a gas can of self importance given to them by the media. Celebrity culture licenses a dark voyeurism, where as other peoples humiliation, pain, weakness & betrayal are all valid worthwhile qualities while education, kindness, honesty, empathy & sharing are qualities that will see you ridiculed & ostracized from society.


This warped delusional worshiping & ultimately exploitation of celebrities is

exemplified by a British reality star that passed away in 22 March 2009. Jade

Goody who was the only child of two parents addicted to drugs, her hard

upbringing & questionable intellect was no barrier for an establishment ready

to exploit her & willing watchers willing to spend time watching her life being



Her first role was that on a contestant in the Big Brother show, from the outset

her behaviour was outlandish & on the very first night she got blind drunk &

paraded around topless for all the big brother fans to see. Jade for all her bad

luck in childhood also was very intellectually challenged with claims like

'pistachio" was a famous painter & Portugal was part of Spain to name a few.

But this did not stop the show exploiting her & her collecting a massive fan

base. This is because celebrity culture has no morals, it has no moral compass,

it does not care about ethics it only exploits for ratings or to make money..




After big brother which she did not win, her outlandish behaviour in the house secured her a consistent fan base in the British population, she released a autobiography, released her own perfume & released fitness DVD's. On top of this she had her own reality show called 'What jade did next'.


Regular viewers could tune into her life given them the delusional thought that if she could make it to fame from impoverished obscurity which is everything after all then they could do it too! Her fame soon came crashing down though when she starred in another Big Brother series where she bullied & harassed a Indian bollywood star. The show received thousands of complaints about her behaviour & her publishers dropped her planned new autobiography & her perfume was pulled from the shelf's in response to the public outcry.



















There is no moral limits or rules for the celebrity culture, even death is no limit. There is profit and stardom to be gained even in illness & death. The pointless & sad end of her life is mere entertainment for the mass's it served the same purpose the roman Colosseum & the gladiators fighting to the death served to give the mass's mindless intellectually starved entertainment where one does not have to think merely watch you can watch tragic events while being detached emotionally & console youre self that 'at least that isn't me'. The elite and establishment use & exploit people like Jade Goody as to distract you from gazing in their directions & thus seeing all the vile criminal,venal acts they are taking part in daily.


To quote Chris hedges ex NewYork Times writer - 'The culture of illusion thrives by robbing us of the intellectual & linguistic tools to separate illusion from truth. It reduces us to the level and dependency of children. It impoverishes language. Propaganda has become a substitute for ideas and ideology. Knowledge is confused with how we are made to feel. Commercial brands are mistaken for expressions of individuality & in this precipitous decline of values and literacy'


Jade Goody was just another 'Brand' of commercial exploitation,  to exploit & obverscate youre gaze away from the establishment. Rest in Peace Jade.



Big Brother Contestant Jade Goody



In 2007 while on the Indian version of Big Brother she was diagnosed with cervical cancer & rather than retracting into the shadows to battle the illness she was once again cast into the spot light & once again exploited by the ruthless producers of television shows. The Living channel then gave her a three part series that documented her battle with cancer. The programme pulled in more than 900 000 regular viewers in the UK, as well as being exploited she also exploited her own bad situation to make as much money as possible in which one million of this was earned by selling exclusive rights to document & film her wedding. She passed away at the age of Twenty Seven in March 2009.



The odd thing is that NT Humans don’t even seem to realise what is going on or even care that its all it’s a big ruse & they go about their daily business blissfully ignorant while the elite psychopathic plundering plutocrats that devised this system take the wealth that the NT Humans create by their time via work, to them it’s completely normal,  NT Humans don’t realise that they have been being conditioned & brainwashed from school, there is a reason psychologists call education 'social compliance' & 'social conditioning'.


Another example of this is the women’s rights movement which was initially funded by the 'Rockefeller Foundation'  under the pretence to give women equal rights to men. The actual motive why they did it was very different & was actually because they wanted to get women into workplace so they could tax them & also to remove the woman from the home so the child could be placed in school earlier & social conditioning could be given to the child. Women & men still believe it was to do with equality. This information was disclosed by Nick Rockefeller when he befriended Movie director Aaron Russo.

This is a classic example though how the media & system is manipulated to give the impression of one thing when the actual motive is very different & NT Humans fall for it again & again & again.


The fake democratic electoral system fed to NT Humans is a corporate delusion & ironically shares some fundamental similarities with that of the fake sport American Wrestling! There is a good guy, a bad guy, a villain & a hero. They are both funded by the same people, the people that own the wrestling company & regarding political parties the corporate elite fund & own the electoral system.


With this electoral system you cannot vote yourself out of problems, its merely there to give you the illusion of choice, all the parties are owned & governed by the corporate elite. Using the American Wrestling analogy there is a villain for 4 years then someone comes to rescue the people from the villain (the other political party) & it goes on & on & NT Humans fall for it.



NT Humans seem to have very short memories as they keep choosing a party every 4 years delusionally thinking it will better. Even though all their voting in the past they have done has changed very little to social mobility and the financial system or anything else of significance. The political parties don't have the actual power to change anything substantial they just change minor things & 'twiddle the knobs' to make it appear like they have power, when in reality its the corporate state & the corporate oligarchs that have the power. David Icke calls this the 'left right paradigm'.


It isn't possible to start your own party or for a party to get the funding to challenge the two major ones. Democracy & the vote is there to give NT Humans the illusion of self determination, a tiny bit of research uncovers the parties are predominantly bipartisan in nature & there is no difference from one to another, they are there to give the illusion of choice nothing more.


The Stage for the Show The  American Senate

The Parliaments & Senates are merely part of the show, a show whose sole purpose is to perpetuate the myth of choice & self determination. These are just a small cog in a huge corrupt establishment set up by the Corporate state to convince NT Humans that they have some choice in their future.


The corporate state has declared war against critical thinking & humanities, as humanities are at their best  when its teaching people how to think & not what to think,indeed they should be telling people to challenge assumptions & structures, the discipline of humanities is subservice its meant to be subversive another thing failure to think critically does is it creates a very frightening historical amnesia, so you don't know how you got here or where you came from & again that is something in popular culture which totalitarian capitalism seeks to put in place so people interpret their problems as personal problems rather than political or social problems. When you don't understand what is going on when you abide to the illusion that you are fed, the belief that reality is never an impediment to what you desire that you can have everything you want! This thought process blinds you and the elite know it has this effect! It keeps you from seeing what is happening around you, then because you are intellectually & emotionally unprepared you scream for moral renewal & a new saviour & a demigod & vengeance & at that point you vomit up some very frightening people as history has showed us Stalin, Hitler etc. The lunatic fringe which is often laughed at by people often seizes power & the psychopathic dictators of the past all used this mechanism to cease power.


This manipulation of the media to influence public opinion was

started by something called 'The Creel Committee ' in 1917.

Its official name was 'The Committee on Public Information

(1917-1919)' also known as the 'CPI' or 'The Creel Committee'.

This institution was a independent agency of the government of

the United States created to influence public opinion to support

US participation in World War I. This was the start of the visual

based information for the public & moved slowly away from

print. It used radio, TV, media all to manipulate the public in a

certain way so it would be beneficial for an agenda they had



This way of brainwashing NT Humans was also used in Nazi

Germany where they Nazis gave everyone in the country a radio,

of course so they could spoon feed them propaganda.



Today it is everywhere! they bombard NT Humans via the Internet, Radio, TV programmes, via films etc through Subliminal messages, there really is no escape from it. Its sold to the public as entertainment & empowerment via freedom & choice when in fact the NT Humans don't even realize they are being both programmed by these devices & enslaved by state surveillance.



The Corporate Elite who planned this system know its inevitable that the system will crash at some point & are rushing to install their surveillance & police state grids to cope with the impending public disorder.  As usual though the establishment say its being implemented for a very different reason to the actual reason, they need so many cameras to make us safe! They Need to invade these countries in the middle east as they are threat, of course though the real reasons are very different. As society slowly tip toes towards a full blown police state, if you look around you, one can see the most primitive naked forms of oppression being constructed, you can see this rise of surveillance & the police state right before youre eyes. We are now the most surveilled, monitored, eavesdropped, controlled & watched population in human history, constantly living in fear, welfare & benefits & the safety net that any tolerate society would have is being removed to make workers more subservient, more obedient, as they have to work now to survive as there is no other option anymore. This form of oppression is very effective at motivating the work force to work even more hours than they already did for less money.






The Actors of the show the ex Presidents

The good news is that neo-liberalism & corporate capitalism is not sustainable & is already in the dying stage of its flawed economic ideology. The profits before anything concept & while more & more heavy manufacturing jobs are outsourced to cheaper countries where they can more easily exploit the workers, lives and peoples living standards have started to fall & the progressive devaluing of the home currencies & setting interest rates & fiddling the markets in a vain attempt to cover the debt caused by the social programs designed to help the people left behind by flawed corporate capitalism is a major indicator that the financial markets are starting to fail.


In the end the system 'breaks' like Karl Marx quoted and the capitalistic system then turns to the government to loot and bail them out & and this has already happened several times. Free market Capitalism does not really exist, its an ideology that puts profit before anything & according to the neo-liberals who love the rapacious greed & squandering of the process 'the market defines & set out if the business or company is a valid one' which of course is nonsense. It claims to be a 'free market' but its not a free market as the financial markets are rigged for their own gain so they are anything but 'free', if they indeed they were free Goldman Sachs & the other big banks would of went under in the last economic crisis















The inability for mankind to articulate a viable socialism has been humanities gravest mistake & as Capitalism slowly dies while doing so destroying the planet that humans rely on to live NT Humans still only care about the latest iphone or the latest TV which is 4 inches bigger than last year its just mass insanity!


As 40% of artic ice melts due to green house gas's & probably natural events too that happen to the earth over time, the incessant greed of the capatalistic corporations rears its ugly head again and Shell Oil see's this as a business opportunity & rush to exploit the area where it has melted.


We have worldwide Social inequality comparable with the feudal times, at some point we have to be brave and stop pretending this system is working & admit we got it wrong! I realize this is something almost impossible for a species without the ability of introspection but this system is NOT working! It's leaving millions if not billions of people behind! The Kleptocratic ran corporate state is holding humanity back, we have to remove them from power for the human race to evolve and move forward, if we continue blindly along this path only destruction & collaspe will be the result not to mention the inevitable desctruction of the ecosystem of the Earth that unfettered capitalism brings through the exploitaion of Earth's resources & environments.


The repugnant characteristics of the super rich & ruling class are skilfully masked by hordes of lawyers and publicists, a servile & intimidated press, good manners & the fig leaf of philanthropy.


However the super rich carefully package their public image, champions of economic & social models that are designed to create a new form of serfdom for the working class & further progress the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of the oligarchs. When a society falls into the death grip of an oligarchic class, the result is always catastrophic.






























































































The reality of the world & society that NT Humans inhabit is very different from the reality. As with the celebrity culture which is driven by a fake illusionary version of what is reality the Myth of freedom is also perpetuated throughout mainly western cultures. Its almost incomprehensible to most NT Humans in the western world that they don't live in actual freedom, indeed the socially constructed myth and programming is so deeply ingrained into people they really do believe it. The illusion of freedom is very easily punctured though if you speak out against the establishment/government or you have a grain of subversive thought in you for the establishment.




The Illusion of freedom is deeply ingrained into people from education

upwards, but like most other things in the NT Human society it is

nevertheless still an illusion. NT Humans are free to a degree but the

establishment define the rules, the invisible cordons at which youre

freedom then ceases. Its a freedom with 'conditions' if you like. Part of

this illusionary freedom is social media, facebook & other social media

platforms have been sold to the public as things to keep you in touch,

things to post your thoughts, your life in real time so others can see

which I personally think rather uncannily sounds a lot like narcissism

& hedonism. While you post you're life and beliefs in real time for the

world to see, the establishment are also seeing these details.



The Nazi police state in World War II & the Stasi state in East Germany used to investigate into peoples beliefs or behaviours in a vain attempt to look for people that spoke out against there rule of government, we call such behaviour 'Totalitarianism' or 'Police state'. Now though the establishment need not do any investigation, it merely has to look on facebook to see your beliefs, your ideals, your ideas, where you had Sunday lunch with your family. Its all there! Ready & packaged conveniently for the establishment, but the illusion of social media & how it is sold is about freedom, its about you expressing yourself.. This is sadly typical of the NT Human society, they claim to be one thing yet in reality & rather unscrupulously are doing another thing..The establishment take NT Humans freedoms away with one hand under the premise of keeping them safe, They say 'we must take these few freedoms away so to safe the over freedoms' which of course is nonsense & more & more slowly more freedoms and 'Rights' are being eroded away insidiously. But most NT Humans are completely unaware of this happening as they are too busy shopping & watching rubbish on the TV.
















The Public Order Act legislation is a direct violation contradiction of the Humans Right Act Article 10 which says I quote 'Article 10 protects your right to hold your own opinions and to express them freely without government interference.

This includes the right to express your views aloud (for example through public protest and demonstrations) or through'


  • published articles, books or leaflets

  • television or radio broadcasting

  • works of art

  • the internet and social media


As with the United Kingdom, the Patriot Act in the United States was conveniently brought in after the 911 attacks directly conflicts with the 1st, 4th & the 6th amendments. But the establishment don't care, their goal is control not freedom. The Patriot Act allows I quote  ' Indefinite detention is the incarceration of an arrested person by a national government or law enforcement agency without a trial' . In the United States the Government routinely violate the constitution from which they took an oath to uphold.. As usual with the NT Human promises, words & oaths mean very little other than a shallowly followed routine which they promise to abide by.  Being held to their word is generally an anathema to the NT Human & is a pointless exercise, the establishment merely peddle the freedom illusion to stop dissent & unrest in the population.


To quote the late great George Carlin - ' Governments don't want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. That is against their interests. They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork & just dumb enough to passively accept'..


This is the stark reality of the illusion the establishment push upon society that they call 'freedom'


Another poignant example of the illusion of freedom & the duplicitous behaviour of the establishment is Bradley Manning & Julian Assange. Bradley Manning was a US Marine & a combat veteran who let the world media know about the military atrocities the US army was committing during the Iraq war is currently in military prison in the United States without a trial for doing so. 


Julian Assange was the founder of the website Wikipedia & was recently dragged out of the Ecuadorian Embassy  in London (from where he was claiming asylum). He is currently in Prison in the UK waiting to be extradited to the United States for 'telling the truth'.. This is the illusion of the NT Humans so called Freedom.


















The crisis NT Humans face is the result of a four decade long slow motion corporate 'coup de tar' that has rendered the citizen impotent, it has left NT Humans without any authentic democratic intuitions & has allowed corporate & military power to become omnipotent.  This process has allowed a corrupt political system of legalised bribery & empowered those public figures that master the skills of entrainment and deception i.e. Politicians


You have to hand it to the establishment.. The plutocracy ruled by a few wealthy with their corporate lawyers they have developed one of the most sophisticated systems of which was formerly a democratic society & interning the institutions that were originally democratic against the people whose power they receive under our system of delegated authority from the sovereign people. Its not reliant on the iron boot or violence (though we know they will use it if they need to)  what they do is simply keep the myths alive.


The establishment claim we have democratic elections (which is an illusion as the parties are funded by money from big corporate interests who lobby the government to implement policy that profits them directly). They also claim we have a free press, we don't! We have a press that is dependent on advertisement revenue & the press themselves are now corporations with five of the largest ones controlling most of the media in the United States & Europe. The establishment claim we have a free Judiciary, yet another illusion. Indeed abuses of & illegal wars like the Iraq war are not judged as such.. Justice is an illusion as shown by the countless lawsuits & cases involving very rich people compared to poor people who cant even afford a legal representation.


The establishment & political class violate the law with impunity or they make the law provides loop holes for them by the laws defined in congress & parliament, The lawyers are the architects of corporate power giving the corporations immunity.. Corporations are for the most part given immunity to laws that govern the people.. The constitution of the United States for example does not have the words 'company' or 'corporations' anywhere. Yet the United States like most capitalistic countries are ruled by corporations. The establishment merely has to keep the myth alive that its democratic, that it has a free press, that they have justice to convince the NT Humans that these things are true. The reality though is very different.










Though the general perception of NT Humans is that they are unable to relate to people with such neurodiversity as people with Aspergers Syndrome now again you come across some NT Humans that seem to be able to relate to you, to understand you, to empathise.

These 'Glimmers of light' in NT Humans are very rare but when they happen its

profound. We are so used to being confronted with the usual brick wall of ignorance

from NT Humans that when you do rarely come across someone who understands

& is genuinely interested it takes you back.. You automatically take a step back,

astonished that they even exist. The Glimmer of light serves to remind us that there is

more than just sharing a planet with NT Humans & that some of them have

evolved, some can relate, some can understand the neuro diversity of others. The

sad thing is these people are very very rare, my 40 odd years of life & thousands

of interactions with people I can honestly say most NT Humans do not have this

ability. In my life around three or four people at the most have had these traits, that

for us with Aspergers Syndrome are not good numbers.


The groundhog day relevance comes from when we meet with NT Humans and they

deceive us, be warned NT Humans are experts at deception, they have mastered &

perfected this behaviour for thousands of years now on an evolutionary need to

survive & also a cultural need to conform to social trends. People with Aspergers

Syndrome never seem to learn, we put our trust blindly in people that show

glimmers of humanity & empathy, for the most part it ends with us being hurt &

actually in a short space of time we realize it was merely deceit on their part.


People with Aspergers Syndrome tend to be very truthful, logical, moral, naïve & forgiving. This tends to also make us vulnerable because we think rather foolishly everyone shares these same characteristics. Many of us have been damaged to the point of traumatization & suffering from the symtoms of PTSD. Targeting by NT Humans & narcissists is common.


People with Aspergers Syndrome don’t really understand the motivations of NT Humans, much like they don’t understand ours. There is a breakdown in interaction & communication because our neurological differences insulate us from each other. The wounds inflicted by NT Humans upon us leave scars, these same wounds get torn open again & again so we become overly defensive & protective usually ending in us choosing to isolate & detach from society in a hope of limiting our exposure to such situations.


Free from the shackles of the NT Human ego Aspergers allows us to see the world in a clarity and objectively unattainable by most NT Humans,  when NT Humans evolve to drop that Primate filled ego then they will be able to tolerate difference, tolerate neuro diversity, until then sadly people with Aspergers Syndrome are stuck with NT Humans & we must take a back seat & watch NT Humans wreck this beautiful planet for profit and greed.


How NT Humans perceive the world is very important in how they behave. Unless one is aware of the natural perception differences and that the person they're talking to doesn't share their own, many of each type can and often do assume wrongly about communication differences and social motivations.These wrong assumptions are often causing the listening person to be assuming/presuming/taking offense or hostility where absolutely none is intended.


NTs vastly outnumber autistics, and rather than accept that non-NT might exist and function perfectly healthily with the perceptions they have, NTs harshly assume non-NTs are defective and absolutely demand that non-NT others all conform to and accommodate NT social and communication standards. It's totally unrealistic, but fits in with NT perceptions and their population numerical advantage. It seems the population advantage and the natural group forming conforming delusional nature of NT perceptions leads to extreme intolerance of many or most human natural differences.




















Studies of skeletons of hunter gatherers and of modern nomadic tribes (though now small in numbers) show clearly they are healthier than the typical NT Human living in what they call modern civilisation. With taking in less sugar they have no tooth cavities, they have no joint and bone problems linked with modern day living, no obesity, no heart disease... Of course modern day industrial scale farming have added to the deprivation of the modern day NT Humans health. The use of pesticides & other chemicals on to the crops have had a massive effect on the modern day Human NT health. In fact most of the modern day health ailments suffered by modern day NT Humans is due to the industrial revolution!


Raising animals on a mass scale brought about modern day mass killers of pathogens, Tuberculosis jumped from Cattle to Humans, Chicken pox small pox jumped from chickens ducks, influenza jumped from pigs. These pathogens were did not exist in hunter gatherer times.


Indeed Malaria is more common in present times due to the density of mass populated countries and cities, it didn't have the opportunity to spread in hunter gatherer times because there was not the mass density of people for it to spread..  It spread amongst the village then died out.


In history civilisation have always labelled people who live in primitive or historic ways as savages & its odd that when offered a modern day life with all of its so called advantages they always wish to resort back to their original & more primitive way of life. We seen this in the dying stages of the Roman empire when a lot of Native British people resorted back to their Celtic way of living. In colonial America they even passed laws forbidding white people to live with Indians, as some people started wanting to live like the native Indians, funnily enough it was never the other way around & the Indians never wanted to join the consumerist profit driven modern society.


In the times of Charles Darwin's they kidnapped three indigenous natives of Tierra Del Fuego on his ship 'the beagle'. The idea was that Darwin would bring these natives back to the United Kingdom in the hope they would then gaze in wonder at the modern world & return to their tribe with the amazement of modern civilisation. They housed them in the UK & after a few months Darwin other scientists went to check on them to find they had abandoned their houses & gardens. On seeing this they were asked 'why would you do such a thing?' to be met with the reply 'I don't need any of these things I already have nature, plenty of birds, animals, fish, I have everything I need'.


Another example is from a native living in the kalahari desert, the anthropologist told him 'that he should learn to farm'. Again he was answered 'why should I learn to farm that's too much work I have everything I need'


















In these indigenous cultures people who horded things for themselves were despised, they had a culture where everyone eat or no one would eat. This is the polar opposite of what capitalism is where hording & greed is not just a suggested behaviour to people but its an essential behaviour to succeed .


For modern day Humans this environment life is not natural, its been socially constructed under the premise that its more healthymore natural & easier. In reality though its very different, from the point of the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom when people were forced off their farming lands into cities to work in factories to make the factory owners very rich it has not changed & humans still have not adapted to this fake society/environment.


Chronic stress is a part of modern life now in this fake society in a way that is simply not present in the few native tribes we have left. The same can be said for the Hunter Gatherer Humans, chronic stress was not present. Acute stress yes, there's a snake be careful, we didn't get any fish today we will try tomorrow.


My point is their life was 100% familiar to them they were perfectly adapted to that life in a way modern day Humans are not. One should ask themselves is it really civilised if we are not able to adapt to it in any rational way live under constant stress we are not designed to tolerate. I don't think so..



The Glimmer of Light & Groundhog Day


The illusion of Freedom


The United Kingdom has recently passed the Public order Act, which is legislation which criminalises emotions feelings. In that legislation if you do anything (and i mean ANYTHING)  that causes someone alarm or distress you can be arrested & fined for it possibly jailed. Now the British public claim they will have freedom to a degree they do but while claiming this they are the most Surveilled people in Human history, the UK & the USA has more CCTV cameras than every other country in Europe combined. so the contradiction of claiming to be free (which is illusionary) actually being watched 24/7 by cameras is stark very disconcerting.


Is this Fake Society better than our Hunter Gatherer Past?


In today's modern society we are told that Human ancestors were always on the edge of starvation, always struggling, chronically unhappy, always on the brink of death. Anthropology though has taught us this is untrue.


Recent studies of hunter gatherer tribes in the Kalahari desert & the Australian outback show they worked for around 20 hours a week to survive. All the things modern NT Humans call recreation or fun like fishing, hunting, shooting & sports like golf which are on pleasantly cut greens and pastures recreating old grounds of which the Hunter Gatherers lived.. These are the activities that NT Human ancestors did to gather their food from which to survive. That's why Humans feel at home in a forest, or by a lake, or by a river as its tapping into Human ancestral behaviour.

The NT Humans is constantly fed the line regarding modern society being easier than the past times of hunter gatherers as they want everyone to participate in what they called in Victorian Britain 'wage slavery'.


The actual truth is the advent of the industrial revolution & industrial scale farming brought about a worse life, a harsher life with more stress and more illness.


Also worth mentioning is the sport & recreation activities that NT Humans actually enjoy watching. The glorification of violence is prolific in NT Human Society & the most popular watched sports actually encourage violence & are based around extremely egregious violent encounters one of which they call 'boxing'.


The 'Sport' is where two men or women attempt to hurt the other through punches until they are knocked out or until the other cannot continue, its basically a dumbed down version of the gladiatorial games from the Roman Period where people fought to the death & it  serves the same purpose in modern society as it did back then. The Romans called it 'Bread & Circus', Deaths were common in the gladiatorial games but in modern boxing they are rare but still happen occasionally, the point is its still based on the glorification of violence & one person having more ability to hurt the other is respected & they are defined as having more 'skill'. Its both barbaric and revolting. The fact NT Humans still enjoy watching other people taking part in such gratuitous violent behaviour is a very telling & stark sign.


Chris hedges wrote - "Class struggle defines most of human history, Karl Marx got this right.. the sooner we realize that we are locked in deadly warfare with our ruling corporate elite the sooner we will realize that these elites must be overthrown"


Anthropologists living with tribes in the Amazon Rain Forest recently noted they had never seen people laugh and smile so much day to day, they laugh when they catch fish they laugh when they don't catch any, they laugh when their shelter blows down & laugh when they are rebuilding it.


The point is they are perfectly adapted to their life as they live, every eventuality they can adapt to and cure in a very short time. If they don't catch fish one day they will the next.


They have a perfect familiarity with their environment & existence.


Please note all the incidences & events mentioned on this site actually occurred and while I stand by these recollections wholeheartedly I must mention however, although I have been researching & studying Genetics, Anthropology, Primate behaviour for over a decade now its still however my objective opinion based on that research that the behaviour shown by these Neuro Typical Humans mentioned predominantly originates from their primate based genetically driven behaviour patterns & none or little nurture from  their parents. This site was not built with the intent to purposely offend & upset people but to document and observe Neuro Typical Human behaviour through the perception of someone with Aspergers  Syndrome. All Photographs of people were taking in public where there is no expectation of privacy.


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